Published Work
do Rego Ferreira Lima, M., Franco, C. W., & Benitez, G. B. (2024). Performance returns from aligning front-end digital technologies and Just-in-Time practices: empirical findings from the Brazilian manufacturing industry, (The International Journal of Logistics Management) LINK
Bendoly, E., Chandrasekaran, A., do Rego Ferreira Lima, M., Handfield, R., Khajavi, S. H., & Roscoe, S. (2024). The role of generative design and additive manufacturing capabilities in developing human–AI symbiosis: Evidence from multiple case studies. (Decision Sciences). LINK
Working Papers
do Rego Ferreira Lima, M., Bendoly, E., Craig, N., Boyer, K. Title Omitted, (Currently under review following a minor revision at the Journal of Operations Management).
Guedes, M., do Rego Ferreira Lima, M., Patel, P., Bachrach, D. G. Title Omitted, (under review at the Journal of Operations Management).
Runner-up, POMS Operational Excellence College Junior Scholar Best Paper Competition, 2024.
do Rego Ferreira Lima, M., Bendoly, E., Craig, N., Boyer, K. Title Omitted, (preparing for submission to Manufacturing & Services Operations Management).
Selected for the Doctoral Research Showcase of the 2024 DSI Annual Conference.
do Rego Ferreira Lima, M., Craig, N., Bendoly, E, Mallipeddi, R. Title Omitted, (preparing for submission to Production & Operations Management).
do Rego Ferreira Lima, M., Benitez, G. B., Stern, A. Title Omitted, (manuscript in preparation, data analysis completed).